What Is the Meaning of Beef



due north. pl. beeves (bēvz) or beef


a. A full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially ane intended for use as meat.

b. The mankind of a slaughtered total-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow.

ii. Informal Homo muscle; brawn.

3. pl. beefs Slang A complaint.

intr.five. beefed, beef·ing, beefs Slang

To mutter.

Phrasal Verb:

beef up Breezy

To make or go greater or stronger: beef up the defense budget.

Word History: As has ofttimes been remarked, the cracking social disparities of medieval European society are revealed by the Modern English language words for dissimilar sorts of meat. In medieval England, meats like beef, pork, veal, and mutton were presumably more often eaten past the educated and wealthy classes—well-nigh of whom could speak French or at least admired French culture—and the Modern English language terms for these meats are uniformly of French origin. (The French sources of the English words are now spelled bœuf, porc, veau, and mouton, and the French words can refer both to the animal and to the meat it provides.) The English-speaking peasants who actually raised the animals—and who presumably subsisted on mostly vegetarian fare—continued to use the original Germanic words ox, swine, calf, and sheep when talking in the barnyard, and so the animals themselves have kept their native names to this day. One such Germanic word is really related etymologically to its French counterpart. Cow comes from Erstwhile English cū, which is descended from the Indo-European root *yarddue westou-, "cow." This root has descendants in most of the branches of the Indo-European linguistic communication family. Amid those descendants is the Latin word bōs, "cow," whose stem grade, bov-, eventually became the Old French word buef, the source of English beef.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language Language, 5th Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



northward pl beeves (biːvz) pl beefs

i. (Cookery) the flesh of various bovine animals, esp the cow, when killed for eating

2. (Breeds) an adult ox, bull, cow, etc, reared for its meat

iii. informal human flesh, esp when muscular

4. a complaint


v. (intr) slang to complain, esp repeatedly: he was beefing well-nigh his tax.

6. informal (oft foll by: upwards) to strengthen; reinforce

[C13: from One-time French boef, from Latin bōs ox; encounter cowane]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Entire, twelfth Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., pl. beeves (bēvz) for 2; beefs for 4, n.

1. the flesh of a cow, steer, or bull raised and killed for its meat.

2. an developed moo-cow, steer, or bull raised for its meat.

iii. Informal.

a. brawn; muscular strength.

b. man flesh.

4. Slang. a complaint.


five. Slang. to mutter; grumble.

six. beef upwardly, to add strength, numbers, force, etc., to.

[1250–1300; Middle English language < Anglo-French beof, Sometime French boef < Latin bovem, acc. of bōs ox, cow; akin to cow 1]

Random House Kernerman Webster'due south College Dictionary, © 2010 Yard Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


By participle: beefed
Gerund: beefing
I beef
you beef
he/she/information technology beefs
we beef
y'all beef
they beef
I beefed
y'all beefed
he/she/information technology beefed
we beefed
you beefed
they beefed
Present Continuous
I am beefing
you are beefing
he/she/it is beefing
nosotros are beefing
yous are beefing
they are beefing
Present Perfect
I have beefed
you have beefed
he/she/information technology has beefed
we have beefed
you have beefed
they have beefed
Past Continuous
I was lamentatory
you were beefing
he/she/information technology was lamentatory
nosotros were beefing
you were beefing
they were lamentatory
Past Perfect
I had beefed
you had beefed
he/she/it had beefed
we had beefed
you had beefed
they had beefed
Time to come
I will beef
you volition beef
he/she/it volition beefiness
nosotros volition beef
you will beef
they will beef
Future Perfect
I will have beefed
you will have beefed
he/she/it will accept beefed
we will have beefed
you will have beefed
they will have beefed
Time to come Continuous
I will exist lamentatory
yous volition be beefing
he/she/it will be lamentatory
we will be lamentatory
y'all will exist beefing
they will be beefing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been lamentatory
you take been lamentatory
he/she/it has been lamentatory
we have been beefing
you accept been beefing
they have been beefing
Future Perfect Continuous
I volition accept been lamentatory
you will take been beefing
he/she/information technology volition have been beefing
we will have been beefing
yous will have been beefing
they will take been beefing
By Perfect Continuous
I had been lamentatory
you had been lamentatory
he/she/it had been beefing
we had been beefing
you had been lamentatory
they had been beefing
I would beef
y'all would beef
he/she/it would beef
we would beef
you would beefiness
they would beef
Past Conditional
I would accept beefed
yous would accept beefed
he/she/it would have beefed
we would have beefed
you would have beefed
they would take beefed

Collins English language Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun one. beef - cattle that are reared for their meat beefiness - cattle that are reared for their meat

beef cattle

Bos taurus, cattle, cows, kine, oxen - domesticated bovine animals every bit a group regardless of sex or historic period; "so many caput of cattle"; "wait till the cows come domicile"; "7 thin and sick-favored kine"- Bible; "a team of oxen"

longhorn, Texas longhorn - long-horned beefiness cattle formerly mutual in southwestern The states

Santa Gertrudis - Brahman and shorthorn crossbreed of red cattle; hardy in hot regions

Aberdeen Angus, black Angus, Angus - black hornless breed from Scotland

Charolais - large white or cream-colored breed from French republic

shorthorn, Durham - English breed of brusk-horned cattle

Galloway - brood of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland

Hereford, whiteface - hardy English language breed of dairy cattle raised extensively in United States

beefalo, cattalo - hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo; yields leaner beef than conventional breeds

2. beef - meat from an adult domestic bovine beefiness - meat from an adult domestic bovine


Bos taurus, cattle, cows, kine, oxen - domesticated bovine animals as a grouping regardless of sex or age; "so many caput of cattle"; "expect till the cows come home"; "seven sparse and sick-favored kine"- Bible; "a squad of oxen"

meat - the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food

cutting of beef - cutting of meat from beef cattle

beef loin - cut of meat from a loin of beefiness

footing beef, hamburger - beef that has been ground

bully beef, corn beefiness, corned beef - beef cured or pickled in brine

pastrami - highly seasoned cut of smoked beefiness

iii. beef - informal terms for objecting beef - informal terms for objecting; "I accept a gripe about the service hither"

gripe, squawk, bitch, kick

objection - the speech communication act of objecting

Verb one. beef - complain beef - complain; "What was he hollering nearly?"

bellyache, bowwow, gripe, bickering, squawk, holler, crab

kvetch, obviously, quetch, complain, sound off, boot - limited complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick almost"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.




1. complaint, dispute, grievance, problem, grumble, criticism, objection, dissatisfaction, annoyance, grouse, gripe (informal), protestation, grouch (informal), remonstrance I really don't have a beef with Wayne.


1. complain, carp, fuss, moan, bitch (slang), groan, grieve, lament, mumble, whine, growl, deplore, grouse, gripe (informal), bemoan, whinge (informal), bleat, observe fault, bewail, kick up a fuss (informal), grouch (informal), bellyache (slang), kvetch (U.Due south. slang) She was beefing about what he had done.

Collins Thesaurus of the English language Linguistic communication – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Informal. Solid and well-developed muscles:

two. Slang. An expression of dissatisfaction or a circumstance regarded as a crusade for such expression:


Slang. To express negative feelings, especially of dissatisfaction or resentment:

phrasal verb
beef upwards

Breezy. To make or become greater or larger:

aggrandize, amplify, broaden, heave, build, build up, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, increase, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate, rise, run upward, snowball, soar, keen, upsurge, wax.

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.










jautiena jautienos kaip jautienos raumeningas

liellopu gaļa





thịt bò



A. N

3. (esp Usa) (= complaint) → queja f

B. VI (= mutter) → quejarse (virtually de)

C. CPD beef cattle Nganado k vacuno
beef olive Due north picadillo envuelto en una lonja de carne y cocinado en salsa
beef sausage Due northsalchicha f de carne de vaca
beef tea Northcaldo m de carne (para enfermos)

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Consummate and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈbiːf] n

(= meat) → bœuf 1000
roast beefiness → rosbif 1000 rôti m de bœuf

(= product) → viande f de bœuf

beef up

vt sep (= strengthen) [+ support, security, forces] → renforcer; [+ essay] → étoffer

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vi (inf: = complain) → meckern (inf) (→ about über +acc); what are yous beefing almost?was hast du zu meckern? (inf)




due north no pl (inf: = male person photos) → Männerfleisch nt (hum), → Muskelprotze pl

beef cattle

plSchlachtrinder pl

beef sausage

nRindswürstchen nt

Collins High german Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(biːf) noun

the flesh of a bull, cow or ox, used as food. beesvleis, bief لَحْم بَقَر говеждо месо carne de vaca hovězí (maso) das Rindfleisch oksekød βοδινό carne de vaca veiseliha, härjaliha گوشت گاو naudanliha boeuf בְּשַר בָּקַר गोमांस govedina marhahús daging sapi nautakjöt manzo, carne bovina 牛肉 쇠고기 jautiena liellopu gaļa daging lembu rundvlees oksekjøtt wołowina carne de vaca (carne de) vită говядина hovädzina govedina govedina nötkött, oxkött เนื้อวัว sığır eti 牛肉 яловичина گائے یا بیل کا گوشت thịt bò 牛肉

beefy adjective

1. of or like beefiness. a beefy sense of taste. soos beesvleis مِثْل لَحْم البَقَر говежд de vaca hovězí fleischig oksekødsagtig που έχει σχέση με βοδινό, που θυμίζει βοδινό de carne de vaca veiseliha- شبیه گوشت گاو lihainen de boeuf בשרי गोमांस जैसा goveđi húsos seperti daging sapi nautakjöts- di carne bovina 牛肉の 쇠고기의[같은] (kaip) jautienos liellopu gaļas- rasa daging als van rundvlees som oksekjøtt wołowy de vaca de vită мясной; мясистый hovädzí goveji; po govedini goveđi som (lik) oxkött เหมือนเนื้อวัว sığır eti gibi 像牛肉的 яловичий گائے کے گوشت کی طرح کا (như) thịt bò 牛肉似的

2. having a lot of fatty or muscle. a beefy man. fris gebou سَمين، بَدين едър musculoso obézní, svalnatý bullig muskuløs εύσωμος, σωματώδης fornido, corpulento jõuline گوشتالو؛ سنگین و عضلانی tukevarakenteinen costaud חסון, שרירי मांसल mesnat, snažan izmos gemuk, tambun holdmikill; vöðvamikill muscoloso 肉づきのよい 근육이 발달한 raumeningas muskuļains; spēcīgs badan berotot-otot gespierd muskelsterk, stor og kraftig; velfødd muskularny چاغ musculoso musculos мускулистый svalnatý, tučný krepek mesnat kraftig, biffig มีกล้ามเนื้อ iri yarı 肌肉發達的 м'ясистий; мускулистий چکنائی والا ، یا گوشت والا lực lưỡng 肌肉发达的

Kernerman English language Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 M Dictionaries Ltd.


لـَحْم البَقَر hovězí oksekød Rindfleisch μοσχάρι carne de vaca naudanliha bœuf govedina manzo 牛肉 쇠고기 rundvlees oksekjøtt wołowina carne bovina, carne de bovino говядина oxkött เนื้อวัว sığır eti thịt bò 牛肉

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. carne de res, carne de vaca;

___ goopcaldo de carne;

___ steakbiftec;

roast ___carne asada, rosbif.

English-Spanish Medical Lexicon © Farlex 2012


n carne f de vaca or res

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Colina Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/beef

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